Check out Dr Beulink's "Personal Comments" found at the end of each procedure - everything you need to know about cosmetic procedures but didn't know to ask!



blepharoplasty upper eye lids

blepharoplasty upper eye lids

blepharoplasty upper eye lids

blepharoplasty upper eye lids

blepharoplasty upper eye lids


Eye tuck; Upper eyelift surgery (blepharoplasty)

Are you looking for eyelid surgery Auckland, or eyelid surgery Christchurch?  Do you suffer from droopy eyelid or double eyelid? - You are in the right place. Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) is a very popular minor cosmetic surgery procedure designed to improve the heavy tired look of ageing upper eyelids. With the advent of modern eye lift technology and new advances in plastic surgery procedures, cosmetic eyelid surgery is now safer and more accurate than ever. So if you’re looking for eyelid surgery NZ or blepharoplasty NZ, get in touch with Dr Beulink today. Consultations for blepharoplasty surgery at Auckland and Christchurch clinics with blepharoplasty surgery being available in Auckland and Christchurch.

Key Points

  • Outpatient procedure (no general anaesthetic)
  • Up to one week downtime
  • Removes heavy tired look
  • Puts the sparkle back into your eyes!

BLEPHAROPLASTY: Heavy eyelids? Put the sparkle back into your eyes.... Eye Tuck, Upper Eye Lift Surgery by Dr Beulink, Auckland, Christchurch.


Upper eye lid blepharoplasty (eye tuck, eye lift) is a much requested minor cosmetic surgery procedure designed to improve the heavy, tired look of the ageing upper eye lids. A blepharoplasty can sparkle up someone’s eyes and liven up their entire face.

As we age, the upper eye lids become lax, and begin to fold over on themselves, producing a heavy or tired look to the eyes. This folding can make it virtually impossible to apply makeup, and occasionally, this lid excess can become so great, vision can be impaired. Combined with this, the upper inner lid fat pads can start protruding out from the eye socket, giving more weight and heaviness to the upper lid.

The blepharoplasty procedure is done as a day procedure; that is, a walk in/walk out procedure performed under local anaesthetic and some mild sedation. Excess or lax skin, plus the underlying bulging fat pads are usually removed from the upper lid. This produces a refreshed look to the entire upper face, opening up the eyes and reversing the heavy or sleepy look.
The whole procedure is very short and most people are happy to return to work after 5-6 days. As the stitch line is very thin, it is cleverly hidden within the normal fold line of the upper eye lid and after full healing has occurred, it is extremely hard to detect.



Dr Beulink’s Personal Comments – Upper Lid Blepharoplasty


Performed correctly, this is a lovely procedure with great results. I am still always amazed at how much a blepharoplasty can sparkle up someone’s eyes and liven up their entire face.

By using a single hidden stitch and a special scar-reducing technique, the eye area heals up very quickly, and in time, the scar line is almost (and usually IS) totally unrecognizable (be aware that some doctors use exposed and interrupted cross stitches which can leave typical cross-hatch scarring marks either side of the cut line which is obviously not desirable). For most females, I usually extend the scar slightly more outwards. This allows for better "picking up" of the outer hooded area of the upper eye lid and it's associated crows feet. This gives a much better result, but the downside is more of a temporary visible tell tale red line or scar. However, most females would agree, that for the sake of using some extra concealer for a few weeks, the long term benefits are obviously well worth it. For males however, this could be an issue and needs to be fully considered before surgery.


upper eyelid tuck (blepharoplasty):before & 2weeks after

An upper lid eye tuck (blepharoplasty):before & 2weeks after, showing temporary visible outer scars that may require short term use of concealer. 


This procedure requires finesse and precision. Excess skin removal, asymmetrical eyes, inappropriate removal of fat pads, poor stitching and poorly placed scars are all problems that have come through my door from elsewhere seeking my remedial help. Therefore, it is paramount to choose your eye lift doctor carefully. Blepharoplasty is a craft, not a foregone result.

Not all heavy upper eyelids are due to excess skin on the lid, but may be partially or entirely due to heavy drooping brows. In such cases a brow lift (see under Thread Lift) may be solely or additionally required. This will be assessed at your initial consultation.



If you are considering the eye tuck procedure, you would firstly need to have a one on one, initial consultation and assessment with Dr Beulink. He will go over your concerns with you, see whether you are an appropriate candidate for a eye tuck and that it will give you the results you are looking for. He will also discuss downtime, before and after photos, results, side effects, costs, and any other procedures that may be of benefit for you. At the end of this consultation you will have a full idea of exactly what an eye tuck can do for you, and just what it would take to have this procedure. 

3/102 Remuera Rd,            222 Bealey Ave,
Remuera,                             Chch Central
Auckland.                             Christchurch.
Postal Address: PO Box 36088, ChCh 8146
Akl    (09) 5232 560
ChCh  (03) 3555 712
  • 3/102 Remuera Rd,
  • 170 Heaton St,
  • Postal Address: PO Box 36088, ChCh 8146
  • Akl    (09) 5232 560
    ChCh  (03) 3555 712