Procedures > Head > Erbium Laser Resurfacing
Check out Dr Beulink's "Personal Comments" found at the end of each procedure - everything you need to know about cosmetic procedures but didn't know to ask! |
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Erbium Laser Treatments: |
The Erbium:YAG laser is an infra-red resurfacing laser used for skin resurfacing and facial rejuvenation including the treatment of wrinkles, scars, pigmentation and removal of moles and various skin lesions.
The first generation resurfacing lasers were known as ultra-pulsed CO2 lasers, however many problems were encountered with these due to the additional heat these CO2 lasers generated in the layers of resurfaced skin. With this heat came associated side effects such as colour changes, delayed healing and high potential for scarring.
The Erbium laser was developed and released in 1996 in response to specifically address these problems.
The Erbium Laser works by the laser light being absorbed purely and efficiently by water, and it is water that makes up approximately 80% of the skin cells. This absorbed energy in turn causes the instantaneous vaporisation or destruction of the targeted cells. As the laser light passes over the skin, a mere 30 millionth of an inch of tissue is removed at a time. This incredible control allows the doctor to treat only as deeply as needed, from removing wrinkles to merely refreshing your overall skin appearance. After this aged and sun damaged skin is removed, new skin quickly re grows in its place and over the following weeks, new collagen is laid down, resulting in an overall firmer, brighter, rejuvenated skin.
The Erbium laser is also ideal for scarless removal of moles, milia, cholesterol deposits around eyes, and sun spots etc. Using very little lateral heat, it minimises injury and thus maximises healing, no stitches are required, and treatment is quick.
Dr Beulink's Personal Comments:-
Newspaper Article: The Christchurch Press 22/03/10
"Face Burnt in Laser Treatment."click on the following link for original article; Please Note: This was not a patient of Dr Beulink and this lady did not undergo Erbium Laser resurfacing.The laser used for this reported treatment was a CO2 (carbon dioxide) fractional system. CO2 lasers have been well known since the 1980's and 1990's for their heat producing and skin burning tendency. These CO2 lasers should not be confused with the Erbium Laser resurfacing systems that were subsequently developed and have been very successfully resurfacing skin since the late 1990's. Erbium lasers were specifically designed to avoid these exact sort of inherent problems associated with the CO2 laser. This current fade of "fractionating" the CO2 laser is merely a new spin on an old, and problematic,wheel. It is a highly marketed attempt to "get around" these inherent problems and rebrand the CO2 as a user and patient friendly treatment. However, fractionating the CO2 laser beam merely breaks the beam into numerous smaller beams, but does not alter the actual physical properties of, and problems (heat and depth of injury) this laser can, has, and obviously still causes!
Lastly, any tool, including lasers and IPL's (intense pulsed light), is only as good as the operator using them. To date, Dr Beulink has been successfully and safely performing Erbium Laser resurfacing for over one and a half decades and has had no such problems.
(see above in Dr Beulink's Personal Comments for more on Erbium vs CO2 lasers and IPL)